Why Is the Campaign Rated “R”?

Question by Donnie: Why Is The Campaign Rated “R”?
I thought the movie was going to be PG-13. What caused it to get the “R” rating? Is it nudity or excessive cursing? Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by emmygibby
Will Ferrell looks like he will be cursing alot. And he kinda punches a baby. I know they wont show that in the commercial, but in the movie there is no doubt that they will actually show himm punching it.Looks awesome
“What did you do today son?” “I shoved a firefly up my butthole.”

Answer by pokie_da_bear
I checked this before this what it said
– Infrequent non-graphic violence.
– Depictions of fighting, beating and shooting.
Sexual Content:
– Implied sexual activity (no nudity, some detail).
– Simulated sexual activity.
– Frequent use of crude sexual language, references and innuendo.
– Breast nudity seen in a non-sexual context.
– Crude content.
– Embracing and kissing.
– Infrequent references to crude bodily functions.
– Slurs.
– Frequent use of the sexual expletive and variations, sometimes in a sexual context.
– Frequent use of scatological slang, profanity, cursing, and vulgar expressions.
Drugs and Alcohol:
– Alcohol abuse.
– Tobacco use.
– Infrequent references to illegal drug use for recreational purposes.