Addictive Drugs Hijack Brain’s Fundamental Pathways – Sydney Morning Herald

Drug Addiction: Addictive drugs hijack brain’s fundamental pathways – Sydney Morning Herald

The Hindu

Addictive drugs hijack brain's fundamental pathways
Sydney Morning Herald
Professor Denton said the findings, published yesterday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, proved a connection between drug addiction and instinct. Until now, the connection existed only in theory.
A classic instinct — salt appetite — is linked to drug addictionEurekAlert (press release)

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Drug Addiction – Google News

Drug Addiction: Illegal use of drugs not just border problem – Yuma Sun

Sandusky Register

Illegal use of drugs not just border problem
Yuma Sun
He said the federal government would do that by providing grants to border communities to head off drug use and to help drug users deal with their addiction. “You can't arrest your way out of this drug problem,” he said. He's right, of course.
White House Drug-Control Strategy Focuses on College StudentsChronicle of Higher Education (subscription) (blog)

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Drug Addiction – Google News

Drug Addiction: Charlie and Brooke’s Deal — No Drug Testing –

Daily Mail

Charlie and Brooke's Deal — No Drug Testing
Why would any judge accept a non drug testing clause in the divorce settlement between two people who are active drug addicts is beyond me. It's just a matter of time before Brook is back on drugs, if she not already and Charlie has already smoked
Is Charlie Sheen's ex Brooke Mueller back on crack 10 days after last rehab stint?Daily Mail
Weekdays 4p etFox News (blog)
Brooke Mueller may be struggling once more with
Gather Celebs News Channel
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Drug Addiction – Google News

Drug Addiction: Your Money: Consumers may pay for debit card fee cap
After months of high-stakes lobbying, advertising campaigns and trash talk, bankers and retailers have finally found something they can agree on. They all dislike the Federal Reserve Board’s decision to cap the fees retailers pay every time you swipe your debit card.
Read more on The Indianapolis Star

Drug Addiction: Federal policy aims to expand US fish farming
The federal government is moving to open up large swaths of coastal waters to fish farming for the first time in an effort to decrease Americans’ dependence on imports and satisfy their growing appetite for seafood.
Read more on The Indianapolis Star

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