Addicts’ Brains May Be Wired at Birth for Less Self-Control – NPR News

Drug Addiction: Addicts’ Brains May Be Wired At Birth For Less Self-Control – NPR News
Many addicts inherit a brain that has trouble just saying no to drugs. A study in Science finds that cocaine addicts have abnormalities in areas of the brain involved in self-control. And these abnormalities appear to predate any drug abuse.
Drug Addiction – Bing News

Drug Addiction: Drug abuse arrests up 13%, more start younger: CNB – Straits Times
The number of drug abusers arrested last year shot up 13 per cent, said the Central Narcotics Bureau, due to ‘intensified enforecement efforts’. The drug enforcement agency said in an annual report released on Friday that it had nabbed 3,265 …
Drug Addiction – Bing News

Drug Addiction: Baseball MVP Josh Hamilton Suffers Addiction Relapse – ABC News
Texas Rangers’ outfielder Josh Hamilton, the 2010 American League MVP who has battled alcohol and drug addictions for over a decade, has suffered a relapse with alcohol. ESPN reports that Hamilton, 30, drank alcohol at Sherlock’s Pub and …
Drug Addiction – Bing News

Drug Addiction: One Drug Abstinence Method Earns a Second Look – Houston Chronicle
Burning Tree, a long term drug treatment center in Texas, reintroduces to the addiction community a proven, but sometimes forgotten about, method of treating chronic addicts and their families. Dallas, Texas (PRWEB) February 03, 2012 One method to treat …
Drug Addiction – Bing News

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