Could Anyone Send Me Some Links on “Depression and Drug Abuse/addiction”; Must Be Academic Though =)

Question by ezgisito: Could anyone send me some links on “depression and drug abuse/addiction”; must be academic though =)
Thanks already…

Best answer:

Answer by Kendra420
Try these too! GOOD LUCK!

What do you think? Answer below!

Drug Addiction: Fugitive nabbed near West Palm Beach sentenced to 5 years for marijuana and cocaine smuggling in ’70s
Fugitive nabbed near West Palm Beach sentenced to 5 years for marijuana and cocaine smuggling in ’70s
Read more on The Palm Beach Post

Drug Addiction: Golden Hookah: Monkey Drug Addiction

This week’s Golden Hookah Award winner for wasteful government spending is The National Institute on Drug Abuse for spending 8873 on a study that teaches monkeys how to smoke and drink hard drugs like heroin, meth, PCP, and cocaine – then studies how the monkeys’ drug consumption varies during different phases of their menstrual cycles.

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