Drug Addiction: Drivers on Methadone Twice as Likely to Crash

Drug Addiction: Drivers on methadone twice as likely to crash
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Men on methadone treatment for drug addiction were more than twice as likely to be involved in a traffic accident as the general population in a new study from Norway. The researchers looked at two and a half years’ worth of data on drug prescriptions and on motor vehicle accidents, and found that among the roughly 2,500 people prescribed methadone for drug addiction …
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Drug Addiction: Patient Surviving Hospice Faced Drug Addiction
Dec. 30 (Bloomberg) — Donna Groomes, widow of Charles Groomes, discusses the care her husband received at for-profit hospices before being discharged in 2010. Charles Groomes died in his sleep in August this year.
Drug Addiction – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Addiction: Downside to Drug Treatment: Men on Methadone More Likely to Crash
Men treating their addiction to drugs with methadone are twice as likely to get involved in car accidents, according to new research.
Drug Addiction – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Addiction: The jungle Prescription – Film Trailer

The Jungle Prescription is a documentary film about ayahuasca and its encounter with the West – as played out through the story of two doctors, their patients, a team of scientists, and group of indigenous shamans. The Jungle Prescription stars: a very special group of plants, the patients of Dr. Gabor Maté, Dr. Jacques Mabit, Humberto Piaguaje, the UMIYAC organization of traditional healers, Jordi Riba, Josep María Fábregas, Vancouver, Barcelona, the Amazon Jungle… and the deepest recesses of our subconscious minds. help us finish the film, here www.kickstarter.com

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