Drug Addiction: Drug Addicts Forced to Leave Ireland for Recovery in Britain – Irish Post

Drug Addiction: Drug addicts forced to leave Ireland for recovery in Britain – Irish Post
RECOVERING drug addicts in the Irish midlands are saving up money to get treatment in Britain, a public meeting in Portlaoise has heard. The Midland Regional Drugs Task Force Substance Misuse Strategy heard that the big problem facing addicts was access to …
Drug Addiction – Bing News

Drug Addiction: Are Drug Consumption Rooms Good? – Associated Content
Here you will find men and women such as heroin or cocaine injecting drugs. Many of these drug addicts are homeless and sometimes neglected. The drug consumption rooms use injecting equipment to reduce communicable diseases through contaminated blood.
Drug Addiction – Bing News

Drug Addiction: Like drugs and alcohol, people can be addicted to foods also – New Kerala
Washington, July 13 : A new study has suggested that people can become addicted to foods and exhibit behaviours similar to those of drug addicts or alcoholics. Researchers, led by Dr Caroline Davis from Toronto”s York University, have uncovered evidence …
Drug Addiction – Bing News

Drug Addiction: Evidence For ‘Food Addiction’ In Humans – Redorbit.com
New clinical research suggests that, in a subset of people, clinical symptoms of food addiction are similar to symptoms of drug addiction Research to be presented at the upcoming annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (SSIB), the …
Drug Addiction – Bing News

Drug Addiction: Intervention S09-E06 Lorna – Crack Cocaine 03/03

Website: www.facebook.com Once a Hollywood success story, Lorna is now a crack addict. She danced on Soul Train and for the “Ike and Tina Turner Revue” in Las Vegas, then landed a big job at A&M records. But the music industry party scene led to drug addiction, and she even abandoned her three children. Lorna needs to get clean and make amends with her kids before it’s too late.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Drug Addiction: One step at a time…
When Judge Keith Meier addressed the 10 graduates sitting on the stage at the Warrick Education Center on Thursday, July 7, he used a lot of numbers. Seventy-five was the total number of graduates in the Warrick County Drunk Driving and Drug Court Program; 6,269 was the number of months in prison – equal to 522 years – those 75 graduates faced before the program; nearly $ 10.3 million is the …
Read more on Newburgh Register – Boonville Standard

Drug Addiction: Crystal meth is a serious issue in Grey and Bruce Counties
Bruce and Grey County has currently been designated as the number one hot spot of crystal meth. production and usage. Not so long ago, Huron County had the same distinction.
Read more on Lucknow Sentinel

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