Drug Addiction: Former NBA Player Recounts Struggle With Drug Addiction – CNN

Drug Addiction: Former NBA player recounts struggle with drug addiction – CNN
Editor’s note: CNN and HLN are devoting this week to a series of In Depth stories and discussions about what can be done to fight the scourge of addiction. Tune to HLN’s “Dr. Drew” weeknights at 9 ET for an in-depth look at the power of …
Drug Addiction – Bing News

Drug Addiction: How Prescription Drug Abuse is Costing You – First Coast News
One study puts the potential overall cost of painkiller abuse at more than $ 70 billion a year. Pill addicts who shop around for doctors to score prescriptions cost insurers $ 10,000 to $ 15,000 apiece. The toll in lost productivity: $ 42 billion. The criminal …
Drug Addiction – Bing News

Drug Addiction: 80 attend drug awareness forum – La Crosse Tribune
Finch shared his story of drug addiction with an audience of 80 at the forum. He told attendees that his addiction began when he was prescribed pain medication following an accident that mangled his leg. “There is nothing wrong with pain medication when it …
Drug Addiction – Bing News

Drug Addiction: Beshear: Prescription Drug Abuse — No State Is an Island – Roll Call Online
On Feb. 10, Kentucky State Police raided three homes in Pike County. Their bust discovered huge quantities of drugs with a street value of at least $ 1 million, as well as $ 80,000 in cash and multiple guns. But the drugs they found weren’t cocaine or heroin.
Drug Addiction – Bing News

Drug Addiction: Deadly Women- Killing For Cash

Watch Deadly Women, Fridays @10pm and check out: investigation.discovery.com | To feed her drug addiction, Maria del Rosio Alfaro murdered a 9 year old girl.
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