Drug Addiction: Heroin and Crack Addiction Falls by 25000 – the Independent

Drug Addiction: Heroin and crack addiction falls by 25000 – The Independent

Heroin and crack addiction falls by 25000
The Independent
There had been a "massive expansion" of treatment and it was much quicker for addicts to get help than in the past, he said. Sheila Bird, of the MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge, who is an expert on drug addiction, said previous estimates by the

Drug Addiction – Google News

Drug Addiction: Professor David Nutt: Attitudes need to change for drug addict numbers to fall … – The Independent

Professor David Nutt: Attitudes need to change for drug addict numbers to fall
The Independent
The reason this reduces the number of addicts is that as soon as you take away their prescribed drug – methadone – they will have to find an alternative. Most will get it illegally and to raise the money to pay for it will commit crime and sell the

Drug Addiction – Google News

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