Drug Addiction: The Faces of Drug Addiction

Drug Addiction: The Faces of Drug Addiction

No one is immune to the evils of drug addiction, whether it’s a friend, a family member, or a neighbor. In this story we introduce you to two young men who you would never think would be recovering drug addicts, and it all started with the over-the-counter pain killers. To learn more about Addiction Recovery please go to www.instituteforaddictionstudy.com To learn more about the Le Mont Michel recovery home www.lemontmichel.com or to schedule a tour call 801-733-4472

Drug Addiction: Sweet temptation: Brain signals amplify desire for sugary treats
(Medical Xpress) — The next time you are craving sweets, blame it on your brain. The brain receiving amplified signals can trigger an intense desire to satisfy a sweet tooth with sugary foods, a new University of Michigan study shows.
Read more on PhysOrg

Drug Addiction: Fla. Welfare Recipients Must Pass Drug Test
Starting on July 1 in Florida, anyone who applies for welfare must first pass a drug test.
Read more on Local 6 Orlando

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