Drug Addiction: Tom Sizemore to Write Memoir of Drug Addiction and Recovery

Drug Addiction: Tom Sizemore to write memoir of drug addiction and recovery
Actor Tom Sizemore, whose struggles with cocaine and heroin took him all the way to prison, will write a memoir of his addiction and recovery for Atria Books.
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Drug Addiction: Savannah woman finds new life in Drug Court
Eileen wrestled with drug addiction for nearly 30 years, never quite admitting she had a problem. It repeatedly landed her in prison and mental health hospitals and strained her family relationships.
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Drug Addiction: Launching of the national report on the drug situation in Malta
The Maltese National Focal Point on Drugs and Drug Addiction, within the Ministry of Education, Employment and the Family, is the national agency responsible for compiling data and producing the annual National Report on the drugs situation in Malta.
Drug Addiction – Yahoo! News Search Results

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