Editorial: Opiate Addiction; Public Health Crisis in Vermont

Editorial: Opiate Addiction; Public Health Crisis in Vermont
If Vermont has been suffering from a quiet crisis of opiate drug addiction “bubbling just beneath the surface,” as Gov. Peter Shumlin put it last week in his State of the State Address, that part of the problem has been solved. Drug Addiction – Yahoo News Search Results


Chris Churchill: Vermont's heroin crisis crosses the state border
The governor of Vermont delivered a remarkable State of the State address last week. Gov. Peter Shumlin didn't use the speech to bolster his own ego or political fortune. He didn't announce a shopping list of initiatives designed to appease every constituency — even though the Democrat is up for re-election. Instead, Shumlin devoted nearly his entire speech to a rising scourge: heroin and opiate … Drug Addiction – Yahoo News Search Results



Drug addiction treatment divides opinions – Deaths and complications are contrasted with personal stories of success as debate surrounds the use of naltrexone implants in treating drug addiction. See m…