He Broke Up With Me After I Supported Through His Addiction!!! How Could He Done Such a Thing?

Question by becca: He broke up with me after I supported through his addiction!!! How could he done such a thing?
We were going to get married then this past Sunday he said he has to leave. He can’t handle a relationship and committment anymore. After I forgave him for cheating on me and then he had a Drug problem, I supported him and went to rehab with him. I love this man and I feel so devasted and lost without him. How could he have done such of thing? Then he says “it’s him”, you are perfect. He can’t give me any answers. I can’t stop calling him, asking him why? I feel like such a fool. I feel so used!!
I appreciate your answers, I just really hurt and I feel like I am not keeping it together. I know the answers to my questions are in my reach, I am just in a lot of pain!!!
He is so strong with his words, it is like he never ever cared!!!! I hate that!! Here I am crying like a baby and he is on the path to a new life, how can someone be so cold!!
Thank you all!! Especially you Craig!!

Best answer:

Answer by citygirlintown
Girl, do you really want to be with an ex.addict that doesn’t know or can’t see you are too valuable for him??? I mean, you can get more, if he doesn’t want to be with you, then look for someone better. Love and drugs don’t match, look for a healthy man, responsible, now you have the chance to get a guy who cares for you and not the other way around.
Don’t be fool, cut this out and move on.

Answer by oops600
Come on young lady the favours we do are the things we should forget that we have done. When u think that u have helped him so much with a, b, c then it was no help at all u did it with an expectation right. Come on grow up it part and parcel of life we help lot of people but cannot expect everybody to remember us for that. I know it really hurts when they don’t remember u but then “THATS LIFE”