How Do You Know When Your Addicted to Cigarettes?

Question by mello: How do you know when your addicted to cigarettes?
Ive been smokin cigs for like 5 months now. and im seein no signs of addiction?? like yesterday was at the movies, i musta smoked about 4 cigs and blunt. Today i wake up and im thinkin im immune to addiction because i have access to cigs 100% 24/7 but i feel absoutly no need to smoke? It may be because i dont believe that “addiction” is real…but how do you know when you are addicted? does your hands start shakin .. idk what the symptoms are

Best answer:

Answer by joannef
when your addicted you think about the cigerattes alot
you look forward to haveing one
you get cranky without one

Answer by Autumn
when you catch your self wanting one all the time even if you get mad the symtoms are shortness of breath headaches and irriatability

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Warning Signs of Addiction – Addiction not only effects the individual, but also their family, friends and coworkers. Look for the warning signs before a problem becomes an addiction.