Keighley Lottery Winner Set Up Drugs Factory at Home – Bradford Telegraph Argus

Drug Addiction: Keighley lottery winner set up drugs factory at home – Bradford Telegraph Argus
A lottery winner who ran a home-made drugs supply network because she feared her friends could die from deadly street deals has been spared prison so she can help to rehabilitate young addicts. Wealthy Maxine Holmes manufactured a big stash of the “date …
Drug Addiction – Bing News

Drug Addiction: Psychiatric drug sought on streets
Seroquel debuted 12 years ago as a novel drug for adult patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, a powerful pill that would help stabilize their emotional lives. Psychiatrists began prescribing these tablets to others – children with serious mental illnesses and adults with anxiety or depression.
Read more on Boston Globe

Drug Addiction: Addicted to sex, drugs: Malaysian doctor voices remorse in Sydney court
MELBOURNE: A Malaysian neurosurgeon told a Sydney court that he realised his drug and sex addiction was “spiralling out of control” when a 22-year-old prostitute, Victoria McIntyre, died from cocaine overdose in his apartment.
Read more on The Star

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