Overcome Addiction & Habits: Drugs Alcohol Cigarettes How To

Drug Addiction: Overcome Addiction & Habits: Drugs Alcohol Cigarettes How To

www.siddhayatan.org http www.siddhalishree.com (blog) Acharya Shree Yogeesh speaks on addiction, habits, and addiction programs and emphasizes the need of self-awareness. Addictions in life are difficult to break, because addictions take over the person. Even believing in God, Jesus, Rama, Krishna or any other faith, will not help them completely. Yes, it will help them temporarily, but not rid them of the actual addiction, craving or habit. Addictions and Habits are formed because of the many toxins in the body. For example, if one smokes, toxins are created in the system that will make the person crave smoking. Once all toxins are removed from the system, one can be free of addiction and habits. Through one’s self-effort and awareness, one can break their addictions, cravings, and habits. Acharya Shree also suggests a Kriya Technique that will detoxify one’s body of the toxins that create the craving However, he states and warns that this technique should not be attempted without real guidance from a living enlightened master. *tags* overcoming cravings, overcoming drugs, overcoming addiction, stop smoke cravings, stop alcoholism, drug addiction, pot, weed, marijuana, heroin, cigarettes, meth, alcohol anonymous, overcoming alcoholism

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If we were to say to you, drug and drink abuse, rehab, theft…We’re pretty sure the first celeb name to pop into your head wouldn’t be dishy Cory Monteith (Finn from Glee, OBV). That’s why we’re shocked to bring you news that…
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Drug Addiction: PRO-ACT seeks team captains for ‘Recovery Walks 2011’
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