Portugal’s Decision to Decriminalize Drugs and Treat Users as Addicts Is … – ABA Journal

Drug Addiction: Portugal’s Decision to Decriminalize Drugs and Treat Users as Addicts Is … – ABA Journal

THE Weed Blog (blog)

Portugal's Decision to Decriminalize Drugs and Treat Users as Addicts Is
ABA Journal
The number of people who repeatedly use hard drugs and the number intravenous users has fallen in half since the early 1990s, Joao Goulao, President of the Institute of Drugs and Drugs Addiction says, according to AFP. Portugal didn't make drug use
Ten Years Into Drug Decriminalization, Portugal Sees Dramatic ResultsTHE Weed Blog (blog)
Portugal's System of Decriminalizing Drug Use 10 Years Later: Does Treatment SodaHead News

all 3 news articles »

Drug Addiction – Google News

Drug Addiction: NEVER GO BACK DOWN (original 2010)

Drug Addiction: Drug trafficker sentenced to six months’ jail
A MAWBANNA man who had a whopping 7.65kg of dried cannabis has been jailed.
Read more on The Advocate

Drug Addiction: Teens and Drugs: Rite of Passage or Recipe for Addiction?
Teen drug use shouldn’t be looked at as a rite of passage but as a public health problem, say experts, and one that has reached “epidemic” levels. In a new report on drug, alcohol and tobacco use among teens in … Continue reading ?
Read more on Wellness

Drug Addiction: Mexican artists confront violence with song, brush
Dozens of plastic foam heads rain onto the stage. Four drug traffickers in fringed jackets and sparkly pink cowboy hats bat them into the audience with toy AK-47s. All the while, the cast croons, “Let them slit our throats, let them pack us up … let them not ask any questions, let them not investigate.”
Read more on MSNBC

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