Psychedelics for Drug Addiction – MyFox Philadelphia

Drug Addiction: Psychedelics for Drug Addiction – MyFox Philadelphia
Add to the long list of celebrities who have struggled with drug addictions, the recently deceased 27-year-old British soul diva Amy Winehouse . Every newspaper and magazine will play and replay her final days, and commentators will come out of the …
Drug Addiction – Bing News

Drug Addiction: Did drugs and alcohol kill Amy Winehouse? – The Celebrity
Amy Winehouse had a long battle with drug and alcohol addiction that often overshadowed her talents. The singer, who was only 27, was found dead in her apartment on Saturday, but despite past struggles, she was reportedly dead for six hours before being …
Drug Addiction – Bing News

Drug Addiction: The addiction myth and Amy Winehouse – The Guardian
In her thoughtfully worded piece, Tanya Gold asks why so little effort is put into understanding those with addiction problems. The answer is sad and all too simple. The majority of people who do not suffer a problematic relationship with drink …
Drug Addiction – Bing News

Drug Addiction: Taste for salt tied to drug addiction – MySanAntonio
When the first slimy amphibians crawled onto dry land a few million years ago, they brought with them a powerful craving from that salty, primordial sea. How powerful? It turns out that the genes and neural networks in the brain that regulate hunger for …
Drug Addiction – Bing News

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