Putri’s Lawyers Seek Rehab, Not Prison – Jakarta Post

Drug Addiction: Putri’s lawyers seek rehab, not prison – Jakarta Post

Putri's lawyers seek rehab, not prison
Jakarta Post
So, we need experts on drug addictions to testify that Putri has a drug dependency," Ramadhan El Rasyid, one of Putri's lawyers, said. Rasyid said Putri's family knew that she was addicted to drugs, but only drug addiction experts could legitimize such

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Drug Addiction – Google News

Drug Addiction: The Best Drugs !!! to kill …

Drug addiction is widely considered a pathological state. The disorder of addiction involves the progression of acute drug use to the development of drug-seeking behavior, the vulnerability to relapse, and the decreased, slowed ability to respond to naturally rewarding stimuli. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) has categorized three stages of addiction: preoccupation/anticipation, binge/intoxication, and withdrawal/negative affect. These stages are characterized, respectively, everywhere by constant cravings and preoccupation with obtaining the substance; using more of the substance than necessary to experience the intoxicating effects; and experiencing tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, and decreased motivation for normal life activities.[2] By the American Society of Addiction Medicine definition, drug addiction differs from drug dependence and drug tolerance.[3] It is, both among scientists and other writers, quite usual to allow the concept of drug addiction to include persons who are not drug abusers according to the definition of the American Society of Addiction Medicine. The term drug addiction is then used as a category which may include the same persons who under the DSM-IV can be given the diagnosis of substance dependence or substance abuse. (See also DSM-IV Codes)

Drug Addiction: Psychiatric drug sought on streets
Seroquel debuted 12 years ago as a novel drug for adult patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, a powerful pill that would help stabilize their emotional lives. Psychiatrists began prescribing these tablets to others – children with serious mental illnesses and adults with anxiety or depression.
Read more on Boston Globe

Drug Addiction: ‘One Dog Night’ Is Compelling Legal Thriller
Author combines pulse-pounding suspense and laugh-out-loud humor in ‘One Dog Night’
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