Q From an Atheist. [Mainly for Christians]?

Question by Anna and Isaiah<3: Q from an atheist. [mainly for christians]?
Why do you think that all atheists are just stubborn or “refuse to accept the truth?”

I went into studying every religion with a completely open mind.
And I was raised christian. I tried to believe it, I really did, but I just don’t find it very likely to be true.

I enjoy talking to religious people, but it seems like every time your beliefs are questioned you get defensive and hostile. I don’t question it to be rude or offensive or to try and shake your faith, I really would like for a theist to give me a good arguement for the existence of a ‘god’.

Try to convince me without just using bible verses or your personal experiences. Or things like “you can’t see wind but that’s there” or “if there is satan there has to be god” or “god saved me from drugs, sex addiction” etc.
I never said I was unwilling, not for a second.
I just don’t like to believe things that don’t add up in my mind. It has to make logical sense and be pretty much proven.

The arguements for atheism are a lot more convincing to me than christianity. I’m not trying to just rant I really do want a good arguement toward it.

Not to be told that I’m “spiritually blinded”
And i asked for a good arguement not a poem…????
I am not arrogant, and I’m not ignorant.

I think christians like you are arrogant about YOUR ignorance because your so convinced you going to heaven and i’m going to hell because i dont believe some story.
THAT is arrogant.

And to the other person, yes i guess its not your job to convert atheists. i didnt take any offense to that at all. im just lookin for a good arguement from the perception of a christian. thank you for not being disrespectfull like most of everyone else on this site.
Yes there is a difference in arguing the existence of God and giving personal experiences.

But it seems every time i ask for a good arguement someone always has something to say about how they ‘just know’ because they ‘felt god’ and all that stuff.
I can not prove that god doesnt exist, and the reason i dont believe is not because he ‘didnt answer my prayer’ or because he lets bad things happen to bad people.

i just choose not to believe it because it can not be proved on way or the other, and in my opinion, its not likely that any religion is right.

and i know its ‘FAITH’ that makes christians believe in it, not proof.

but i dont have blind faith. my mind doesnt work like that, it makes no sense to me. i have to have good evidence. and so far no one i have talked to has any.

i know none of u care what i believe im just lookin for a good conversation, and possibly an arguement that could change my mind.
Yes there are a lot of arrogant atheists on here too.
There are arrogant people of pretty much all beliefs.

I’m not one of em. I give arrogant comments only when I’m given one first.
Once again personal experiences tell me nothing.

How would you know if it was “Jesus” changing your life and making you not smoke?

I think people have free will and we change our own lives

Best answer:

Answer by Xa
God exists. That’s all there is to it. If you don’t believe, then fine with me.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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