“Recovery” Just Looking for Others Opinions on “Drug Addiction”?

Question by trish m: “Recovery” Just looking for others opinions on “drug addiction”?
how many of you believe that 12 step programs work? and how many of you know someone who has given up everything that matters for their drug of choice? Just sincere answers please…
You have pointed out one of the main things that needs to be there “willingness” good job!
I’m an addict in recovery (5yrs) and I know each person is different. some just quit,others use AA/NA, and then some need a combo of the AA and therapy… One thing that all addicts lack is the ability to cope with life on life’s terms. If an addict doesn’t learn to cope then they tend to just switch addictions… from drugs to others i.e. eating, gambleing, workaholic, thank you guys for your answers and I’ll give this question till the end of the day..

Best answer:

Answer by debb_michele
I had gotten into drugs and alcohol for a while, and I’m only 15. The fact is I didn’t want to stop, no matter who said what I just didn’t. So I found out the hard way, that you cannot quite unless you really [[100%]] want to. It took someone special leaving me for me to quite. But I have alot of friends into drugs and they give up alot for drugs… I haven’t seen any of the therapy things working for them, because they didn’t want to quit. Hope that answers your question, just my opinion.

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