The Voices Behind Vermont’s ‘Rising Tide of Drug Addiction’ – WBUR

The Voices Behind Vermont’s ‘Rising Tide Of Drug Addiction’ – WBUR

The Voices Behind Vermont's 'Rising Tide Of Drug Addiction'
“Heroin and opiate drug addiction, threatens us. It threatens our safety, it threatens the safety that has always blessed our little state.” Shumlin listed a grim litany of facts. The number of Vermonters seeking treatment has increased more than 700
Editorial: States' should heed Vermont governor's call for help to deal with

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Drug Addiction – Google News


Ohio bill requires reports on drug-addicted babies – Sacramento Bee

Ohio bill requires reports on drugaddicted babies
Sacramento Bee
COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Ohio House has approved a bill requiring hospital maternity units and newborn care nurseries and maternity homes to report the number of babies born addicted to drugs. The reporting to the state Health Department, mandated for 

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Drug Addiction – Google News


Cape Breton man says yoga helped him battle drug addiction, stay sober – CTV News

Cape Breton man says yoga helped him battle drug addiction, stay sober
CTV News
Growing up in Sydney Mines, N.S., Ryan Gillis started using drugs at the age of 13. Now, at 29 years old, Gillis is drug-free and devoted to yoga, a new passion he says has helped him stay sober. “I became an IV drug user at 21. I ended up on the

Drug Addiction – Google News



Cracking Down on Drug Addiction in Afghanistan | AiirSource – Drug addiction continues to be a problem in Afghanistan along with the escalating cultivation and production of opiates in the country. Now ministries are ta…