Why Do High School Students Have So Many Different Subjects Shoved Down Their Throat?

Question by CH: Why do high school students have so many different subjects shoved down their throat?
No, I do NOT want to learn about the Pythagorean Theorem and the ancient Hittites. I could f**king care less. I want to be a psychotherapist. That has nothing to do with the Pythagorean theorem or ancient Hittites. And knowing about those two subjects will never, ever help me in life. Yet they’re still shoved down my throat. Here’s a dialogue with my school counselor.

“You need to start thinking about your career–you need to make these choices now.”

“Okay, I want to be a psychotherapist. I’ve had that goal for years. Can I quit geometry, literature, and biology and focus on that career area?”

“No, you’re not old enough to make those choices now.”

I love to learn–I’ve read Moby-Dick, Les Miserables, War and Peace, and The Tempest all on my own time. But I hate learning when the information is useless and I don’t get any input into what I learn. My school is like a prison! Girls suspended for carrying Ibuprofen, teachers keeping kids from going to the bathroom, bullsh*t lies about drugs in our health classes. (No, one joint of pot does not equal twenty-five cigarettes. Pot is bad for you, but not that bad.) Whitewashed “politically correct” history textbooks (No, there were not any important women in ancient China. They were oppressed like slaves. It’s a sad story, don’t lie about it to make us feel better.) Kids getting paddled (No, hitting us is not a way to get us to behave.) Idiotic abstinence only sex education classes (No, sex is not bad, it’s a healthy expression of love when it’s between the right two people.) Bullies that rampage through the halls and are given no opposition from either faculty or students. (No, Principal Roy, that 220 pound jock was not “kidding” when he tackled a freshman.) Security cameras hanging on the walls tracking our every move. Bells that ring and regiment every aspect of our lives. Computers with controls that censor our access to knowledge. I hate it! How can I and other students stand up for our education?

Best answer:

Answer by Bell
Go visit your school district board of directors. They usually have open meetings for the community to comment on whats going on at schools. Also, if you want, protest. I graduated in 2004 and we hardly did anything.

Answer by Just a girl
I so agree with you, I want to be a geneticist, i know i need to know math and science for that but I have no interest what so ever in literature, i do not care about Julius ceasar or dante.
I love science, and i know i want to be something that has to do with science, and i dont think literature will help me do that.

However, i will not protest. You never know if you suddenly change your mind, you learn something in a certain class that you find really interesting and you decide to change your future career choice.

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