Drug Czar: Local Efforts Getting Noticed in D.C.

Prescription Drug Abuse in the News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Drug czar: Local efforts getting noticed in D.C.
White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) Director Gil Kerlikowske told a capacity crowd at the new Second Chance Center in Portsmouth on Sunday that the Scioto County Prescription…
Read more on Portsmouth Daily Times

Prescription Drug Abuse: New prescription drug legislation
Senator Charles Schumer is looking to crack down on prescription drug abuse in the state of New York.
Read more on YNN Syracuse

Prescription Drug Abuse: Health Highlights: Sept. 15, 2010
Here are some of the latest health and medical news developments, compiled by the editors of HealthDay:
Read more on HealthDay via Yahoo! News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Skip School

National Institute on Drug Abuse video about prescription drug abuse, Choose Your Path series. You decide to skip school and take some prescription drugs out of your mom’s medicine cabinet. You have a bad reaction and need to be rushed to the hospital. For a text-only version, see teens.drugabuse.gov Comments on this video are allowed in accordance with our comment policy: newmedia.hhs.gov
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