Drug Issue Spreads to Teens With Pain Meds – Seminole Chronicle

Prescription Drug Abuse: Drug issue spreads to teens with pain meds – Seminole Chronicle

Drug issue spreads to teens with pain meds
Seminole Chronicle
Much like Daubs, many residents in Seminole County and Central Florida also deal with prescription drug abuse, but recent findings show that it may be more of a problem here than it is in any other state. Lt. Mike Beavers of the Oviedo Police

Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Forum teaches communities to help deal with addiction – Charleston Gazette

Forum teaches communities to help deal with addiction
Charleston Gazette
Workers can't pass drug tests. Kids mimic parents who are doing drugs. Families struggle to find help for addicted loved ones. Those were some of the issues discussed Wednesday at a forum on prescription drug abuse at the University of Charleston.

Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Sheriff Tom Knight – Prescription Drug Abuse

This half-hour program was produced by The Education Channel and aired in June and July 2011. The program is hosted by Sheriff Tom Knight and includes conversations with Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Russell Vega, First Step Vice President of Outpatient Services Philip Brooks and Sarasota County Sheriff’s Detective Don Kennard.
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