Exercise, Alcohol and Hydration

Alcohol and drug abuse can lead to many health problems both physical and mental. Many excessive alcohol users do not realize the damage they are doing to their bodies until it is already too late to reverse the degeneration. In many cases the damage done to the body and mind can never be fixed and, in a few cases, will only continue to get worse.

Excessive drug use and abuse can cause more problems than many users realize. When it comes to drug abuse the damage is not solely caused by illegal or “recreational” drugs. Many prescription drugs can be just as harmful when abused or taken by anyone other than the patient they were prescribed to.

Some do not recognize the side affects of long time drug abuse since they can be similar to every day ailments. Prescription drug abuse can cause severe headaches which sometimes are mistaken for migraines or even sinus headaches. At times these headaches are accompanied by nausea and vomiting, not unlike a hang over. In the case of overdose seizures can sometimes occur followed by comas.

Illegal narcotics can also produce similar physical symptoms and side affects in addition to long damage and infertility. More often than not the negative results of illegal narcotics being abused over a long period of time are psychological rather than physiological. Long term use of illegal narcotics can cause depression which, if left untreated, can eventually lead to suicide. Other psychological problems that are caused by illegal drugs are paranoia and dementia.

The abuse of alcohol and drugs can also lead to serious weight problems. When alcohol is consumed excessively it is not uncommon for weight gain to occur. Alcohol contains hundreds of empty calories and, since it acts as a depressant, many alcohol abusers will decrease their physical activity causing them to gain weight rapidly. Meanwhile drug abusers will often experience dangerous weight loss caused by an inability to hold down food and lack of calorie consumption. Combining alcohol and drugs is, more often than not, extremely fatal.

Exercising rather than turning to excessive drug and alcohol use is always the best alternative. Exercise can also be helpful to help counteract the affects of drug and alcohol consumption for those who are trying to stop using alcohol and drugs. Establishing an exercise routine will help with heart health by helping to prevent heart disease and stroke. It will also help with mental well being by providing a positive distraction from drugs and alcohol. It will also make your immune system stronger which can be very useful to those whose immune system has suffered because of their drug and alcohol consumption.

Working out also promotes hydration. What does that mean? Exercising helps encourage you to drink water which is another way to improve your health. Staying hydrated will increase your energy and improve your skin. It will also help promote weight loss. This alone can be a great source of encouragement for those who are exercising instead of consuming drugs or alcohol. Noticing healthy skin and an attractive physique will provide encouragement to keep exercising rather than turning back to alcohol or drugs.

The author would like you to visit Insuring Your Health in NC [http://ibdinsurance.com/blog/bcbsnc/insuring-your-health-in-nc] and Getting In Tune: Music Therapy And Health [http://ibdinsurance.com/blog/holistic-health/getting-in-tune-music-therapy-and-health]

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Prescription Drug Abuse: Dr. David Sack of Promises Treatment Centers Interview about Prescription Drug Abuse on FuseTV

Dr. David Sack, CEO of renowned Promises Treatment Centers is interviewed on Fuse TV about the use of prescription drugs in the mainstream, as well as in the rock and roll industry. Sammy Hagar of Chickenfoot, and the former manager of Motley Crue and Bon Jovi is also interviewed, talking about the prevalence of prescription drug use and abuse. The often physically grinding lifestyles of entertainers which leads them to drug use is a part of the interviews.
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