Gabapentin Gets a Boost in Treating Alcoholism

Gabapentin Gets A Boost In Treating Alcoholism
The volunteers averaged 14-15 years of heavy drinking and more than two-thirds had never sought treatment for alcoholism previously. Subjects were randomized to three groups to receive an inactive placebo, or gabapentin at a dose of either 900 mg or …
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The bottom of the bottle: Alcoholism still tough to treat in an era of craft
There are many definitions for alcoholism. It's “a pathological pursuit of reward and/or relief by substance use and other behaviors,” according to the American Society of Addiction Medicine. The Centers for Disease Control defines it as “a strong …
Read more on Medill Reports: Chicago


Alcoholic Who Drank Over 30 Beers per Day | Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center – A long-term alcoholic who was known by name in the liquor stores finally makes the decision to get help after a life of addiction, denial and embarrassment.