Google Prepares for Hefty Fine for Illegal Drug Ads – Stop Oxy

Prescription Drug Abuse: Google Prepares for Hefty Fine for Illegal Drug Ads – Stop Oxy

Google Prepares for Hefty Fine for Illegal Drug Ads
Stop Oxy
This reflects the enormity of the problem of online prescription drug sales. A study by doctors at the University of California and Massachusetts General Hospital found a link between the increase in prescription drug abuse between 2000 and 2007 and

Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

Prescription Drug Abuse: First Nation joins fight against pill abuse – Fort Frances Times

First Nation joins fight against pill abuse
Fort Frances Times
By instituting a staff drug-testing policy at the band office, the chief and council hope to both set a positive example for prescription drug abusers and keep the addiction from affecting administrative operations. “Once you get that within our band

Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Coroner’s jury hands down 48 recommendations – Brockville Recorder and Times

Coroner's jury hands down 48 recommendations
Brockville Recorder and Times
The jury handed down its findings in Courtroom 4 at the Leeds and Grenville County Courthouse on Tuesday afternoon, capping an inquest that has laid bare the startling extent of Ontario's prescription drug abuse problem for many eyes to see.

and more »

Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Army getting tough with drug users, troublemakers
As more and more soldiers return from back-to-back deployments, the Army plans to impose a rigorous regimen of basic soldiering and discipline.
Read more on Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Prescription Drug Abuse: Authorities seize thousands of pills from pain clinic doctors in Palm Beach County
Authorities seize thousands of pills from pain clinic doctors in Palm Beach County
Read more on The Palm Beach Post

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