Heroin Epidemic Creating 'urgent' Overdose Crisis: US

Heroin epidemic creating 'urgent' overdose crisis: US
A sharp rise in US deaths from heroin and prescription abuse has created an "urgent public health crisis," Attorney General Eric Holder declared Monday, promising tougher enforcement and improved drug treatment. "The cycle of heroin abuse commonly begins with prescription opiate abuse," Holder said, calling rise in use of the illegal opiate "a sad but not unpredictable symptom of the significant … Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo News Search Results


Heroin epidemic creating 'urgent' overdose crisis, says US Attorney General
A sharp rise in US deaths from heroin and prescription abuse has created an "urgent public health crisis," Attorney General Eric Holder declared Monday, promising tougher enforcement and improved drug treatment. Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo News Search Results


Drug Company Settles With The State Of Montana
Montana’s Attorney General Tim Fox announced that the state had come to a settlement with Janssen Ortho LLC and Janssen Pharmaceuticals. Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo News Search Results


Branstad Warns Medical Marijuana Would Lead To Drug Abuses
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Gov. Terry Branstad says he worries drug abuse would increase if medical marijuana became legal in Iowa. Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo News Search Results