Holder: Heroin an Urgent 'Public Health Crisis'

Holder: Heroin an urgent 'public health crisis'
"Addiction to heroin and other opiates, including certain prescription pain-killers, is impacting the lives of Americans in every state, in every region, and from every background and walk of life — and all too often, with deadly results," Holder said …
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The father of the Sandy Hook killer searches for answers.
Emily Miller, an editor at the Washington Times, wrote, “We can't blame lax gun-control laws, access to mental health treatment, prescription drugs or video games for Lanza's terrible killing spree. We can point to a mother who should have been more …
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Selena Gomez's Parents HATE Justin Bieber, Are Furious Girlfriend-Boyfriend
According to Radar, "Gomez's mom Mandy and stepdad Brian are 'vehemently' opposed to Bieber, 20, said one source, with the parents 'convinced' Bieber was responsible for driving their broken-hearted daughter to a secret stint in rehab last January …
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