How NJ Plans to Put a Lid on Pain Pills: Officials to Announce Program That … – the Star-Ledger –

Prescription Drug Abuse: How NJ plans to put a lid on pain pills: Officials to announce program that … – The Star-Ledger –

The Star-Ledger –

How NJ plans to put a lid on pain pills: Officials to announce program that
The Star-Ledger –
If they are found to be prescribing the drugs improperly, they could face hefty fines, jail time and loss of their license to practice. "Prescription drug abuse is a public health crisis, there's no doubt about that," said Thomas Calcagni,

Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

Prescription Drug Abuse: New Pain Med 10x Stronger Than Vicodin Will Hit the Market in 2013 –

New Pain Med 10x Stronger Than Vicodin Will Hit the Market in 2013
Experts hope that doctors will screen patients for a history of addiction before prescribing such a potent medication, particularly since prescription drug abuse caused 15000 deaths in the US three years ago. Have an opinion about this post?
Painkiller 10x stronger than Vicodin to hit marketKFDA

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Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

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