How to Mess With a Marijuana Drugs Counselor?

Question by Ian: How to mess with a marijuana drugs counselor?
Hello everyone. So I’m being forced to go to counseling for my “marijuana addiction” and I find the whole situation quite absurd. I’m a minor, but I don’t have any intention of stopping my use of weed anytime soon. Because I’m going to these ridiculous counseling sessions, I’ve decided I want to have some fun and just screw with the counselor and try to mind-f*@k him. Any ideas?

Best answer:

Answer by Claude
As long as you know the side effects marijuana does to your body in the long run, than you’re fine. Just pretend that you’re listening to the counselor.

Answer by Louise
Agree with everything he says

Dr. Oz: Is Weed Addictive?
Today at 4 pm ET on his Fox show, Dr. Mehmet Oz weighed in on the marijuana addiction debate. "As a physician, I believe marijuana has a therapeutic role for patients with conditions such as cancer and chronic pain," he writes on his blog. "But my …
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