Lower Moreland to Host Drug Collection

Lower Moreland to host drug collection
Lower Moreland Township has joined with Douglass and Lower Pottsgrove townships in an expansion of Montgomery County’s Prescription Drug Disposal Program. Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo News Search Results


ASAC: Not Enough People Know About Drug Drop Boxes
LINN COUNTY, Iowa – The Area Substance Abuse Council's team of prevention specialists has a growing concern. They're starting to notice that not enough people know about prescription drug drop boxes. It's an issue they're dealing with as they try to stop a growing trend. Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo News Search Results


Attorney General Fox: Tamper-resistant versions of generic painkillers needed
With prescription drug abuse epidemic, Attorney General Tim Fox joined 41 other attorneys general in sending a letter today to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) urging it to require manufacturers of generic prescription pain relievers to develop tamper-resistant versions of their products. Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo News Search Results



Prescription Drug Abuse – The National Guard is joining the effort to help fight America’s number one drug problem, prescription drug abuse. See more DoD videos at http://www.dodvclip…