Many New Florida Laws Taking Effect Today Reflect GOP Philosophy
Prescription Drug Abuse in the News
Prescription Drug Abuse: Many new Florida laws taking effect today reflect GOP philosophy
Florida will take another step into an era of declining expectations from its cash-strapped state government this week when the most austere in a series of tight annual budgets goes into effect.
Read more on The Bay Bulletin
Prescription Drug Abuse: Are Americans addicted to addiction?
While drug abuse and addiction is a big deal on today’s reality TV, it’s also an integral part of our history. Americans were getting high long before the trippy 1960s, and we were jumping on the teetotaler bandwagon generations before Nancy Reagan said, “Just Say No.”
Read more on The Brandon News & Tribune
Prescription Drug Abuse: Many new state laws reflect GOP philosophy
Florida took another step into an era of declining expectations from its cash-strapped state government this week when the most austere in a series of tight annual budgets went into effect.
Read more on Tallahassee Democrat
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