Oxycodone Bust Tied to Westchester Airport Highlights U.S. Explosion of Prescription-Drug Abuse – LoHud.com

Prescription Drug Abuse: Oxycodone bust tied to Westchester airport highlights U.S. explosion of prescription-drug abuse – LoHud.com
WHITE PLAINS — Ten years ago, if a federal Drug Enforcement Administration agent were told he would be chasing traffickers in illicit prescription drugs like pain relievers and sedatives, he likely would have laughed. Not anymore. “Now, those …
Prescription Drug Abuse – Bing News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Facing rising death rate, emergency rooms clamp down on narcotics distribution – madison
Madison-area emergency rooms, facing a rise in prescription drug abuse seen around the country, are refusing to give narcotics to patients who frequently go to ERs for painkillers. In a related effort to stop “doctor shopping” by drug abusers, Wisconsin is …
Prescription Drug Abuse – Bing News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Drug overdose deaths rise: Cops, protesters blame heroin but problem lies elsewhere – News-Democrat
Her death ended eight years of prescription drug abuse. “My mom is the reason I don’t want to take Tylenol for my headache,” Jennifer Hughes said. Bailey hurt her left shoulder in 1998 while taking out the trash at her waitressing job.
Prescription Drug Abuse – Bing News

Prescription Drug Abuse: House Approves Whitfield Bill to Combat Prescription Drug Abuse

WASHINGTON — The US House of Representatives approved legislation today introduced and championed by US Representative Ed Whitfield which reauthorizes a program critical to combating the abuse of prescription drugs throughout Kentucky and the entire nation.

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