Pooja Misrra Speaks on Marijuana Abuse on Reality Shows


Pooja misrra speaks on Marijuana abuse on reality shows – Alcohol abuse also rampant in reality shows claim participants “They used to drink and do drugs till 4 in the morning,” alleges a livid Pooja Misrra. The VJ-…


Georgia governor backs medical marijuana trials
The second model would create a new clinical trial led by the university, with cannabis obtained from the National Institute on Drug Abuse research farm at the University of Mississippi. A new trial likely would take longer to begin because it requires …
Read more on Savannah Morning News

Marijuana is not really so harmless
Marijuana is a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act, meaning it has a high potential for abuse and no currently accepted medical use in treatment. After a period of decline, its use has been increasing among young people since 2007.
Read more on Great Falls Tribune