Prescription Drug Abuse Abetted by Family, Friends: Study – YAHOO!

Prescription Drug Abuse: Prescription drug abuse abetted by family, friends: study – YAHOO!
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – More than 70 percent of people who abuse prescription pain relievers obtain the drugs from friends or relatives, usually with permission and for free, according to a government study to be released on Wednesday. The study, based on …
Prescription Drug Abuse – Bing News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Gov. Beshear signs prescription drug abuse legislation – Evansville Courier-Press
FRANKFORT, Ky. — Gov. Steve Beshear issued a warning to doctors who skirt ethical standards before he signed legislation Tuesday to fight the scourge of prescription drug abuse. Surrounded by legislative leaders and law enforcement officials …
Prescription Drug Abuse – Bing News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Study examines painkiller abusers’ supply sources – USA Today
The National Survey on Drug Use and Health, the largest federal study of drug abuse, estimates 2.4 million Americans start abusing prescription drugs each year. About a third of the new users are teenagers. Nearly 6% of young adults 18 to 25 and …
Prescription Drug Abuse – Bing News

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