Prescription Drug Abuse: Dominion Diagnostics Leads Fight Against Prescription Drug Abuse With Safe Use … – Sacramento Bee

Prescription Drug Abuse: Dominion Diagnostics Leads Fight Against Prescription Drug Abuse with Safe Use … – Sacramento Bee

Dominion Diagnostics Leads Fight Against Prescription Drug Abuse with Safe Use
Sacramento Bee
The program aims to support concerned physicians across the United States trying to fight the rising toll of prescription drug abuse. Dominion will launch its Safe Use program with Meet the Experts Sessions at PAINWeek 2011 this week in Las Vegas,

Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Snowe Welcomes Maine Attorney General to Washington – (press release)

Snowe Welcomes Maine Attorney General to Washington (press release)
Snowe applauded Attorney General Schneider's initiative addressing the prescription drug abuse epidemic in Maine. On October 25, the Attorney General will hold a “Prescription Drug Abuse Summit” at the Point Lookout Resort and Conference Center in

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Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

Prescription Drug Abuse: White House ONDCP strategy targets prescription drug abuse – Shared Responsibility

White House ONDCP strategy targets prescription drug abuse
Shared Responsibility
The details of the prescription drug abuse policy align with a White House plan issued April 19, Epidemic: Responding to America's Prescription Drug Abuse Crisis. Both the ONDCP drug strategy and the interagency epidemic plan use education,

Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

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