Prescription Drug Abuse: Health Care Group Spent $232K on Lobbying in 1Q

Prescription Drug Abuse in the News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Health care group spent 2K on lobbying in 1Q
The Healthcare Distribution Management Association spent $ 232,000 in the first quarter to lobby the federal government on drug prices, importation and supply issues.
Read more on AP via Yahoo! Philippines News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Drug Addiction Usually Starts Before 18
The top public health problem in the United States is not obesity, as many might guess, says one public policy organization. .
Read more on KITV Honolulu

Prescription Drug Abuse: Drug Addiction Usually Starts Before 18
The top public health problem in the United States is not obesity, as many might guess, says one public policy organization. .
Read more on WFTV 9 Orlando

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