Prescription Drug Abuse: Police Report Alarming Rise in Prescription Drug Abuse – Idaho State Journal

Prescription Drug Abuse: Police report alarming rise in prescription drug abuse – Idaho State Journal

Police report alarming rise in prescription drug abuse
Idaho State Journal
Prescription drug abuse is on rise among teens and young adults. The Partnership for a Drug-Free America reports that 19% of US teens – roughly 4.5 million youths – reported haven taken prescription painkillers such as Vicodin or OxyContin or

Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Prescription pain killers fast becoming new gateway drug – Camarillo Acorn

Prescription pain killers fast becoming new gateway drug
Camarillo Acorn
And while those dangers still exist, there is another threat to teens and young adults that is gaining steam—and the potentially deadly drugs are just a medicine cabinet away. Prescription drug abuse has spiraled out of control during the past decade.

Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Safely Get Rid Of Unwanted Prescription Drugs In ‘Operation Medicine Cabinet’ –

Safely Get Rid Of Unwanted Prescription Drugs In 'Operation Medicine Cabinet'
Police throughout Rockland County say one of the biggest drug problems they are facing today is the illegal sale and use of prescription drugs — especially among young people. Health officials say many people who abuse illegally-obtained prescription

Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

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