Prescription Drug Monitoring System Coming

Prescription Drug Abuse: Prescription drug monitoring system coming
A statewide prescription drug monitoring system designed to prevent abuse could be online as early as next January, an expert in the regulation of prescription painkillers said Tuesday.
Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

Prescription Drug Abuse: National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day Provides An Opportunity To Fight Abuse
Do you want to help fight prescription drug abuse and the deadly consequences like the recent rash of pharmacy shootings? Well, Saturday was the day to do it. And all you had to do was check your medicine cabinet.
Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

Prescription Drug Abuse: Prescription drug abuse abetted by family, friends
More than 70 percent of people who abuse prescription pain relievers obtain the drugs from friends or relatives, usually with permission and for free, according to a government study.
Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

Prescription Drug Abuse: Prescription drug abuse Path of the Pill

This is part of an on-going campaign of drug education/prevention messages developed by the Partnership for a Drug Free Canada (PDFC)
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