Prescription Pills Blamed for ‘Pharmageddon’ in Kentucky – BBC News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Prescription pills blamed for ‘Pharmageddon’ in Kentucky – BBC News

BBC News

Prescription pills blamed for 'Pharmageddon' in Kentucky
BBC News
Mr Conway has few illusions about the scale of the drug use ravaging his state. "Kentucky has a peculiar problem with prescription pill abuse," Mr Conway says of an issue which first emerged more than a decade ago but has grown steadily.

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Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Prescription Drug Monitoring With a Twist: Funded by Pharma – Anesthesiology News

Prescription Drug Monitoring With a Twist: Funded by Pharma
Anesthesiology News
The FSPMP was particularly vocal, calling the PDMP “the single most important weapon in the war on [prescription] drug abuse.” In January, Gov. Scott completely eliminated the state's Office of Drug Control, the group charged with raising money for the

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Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Verde Valley pill popping new battleground for MATForce – Verde Independent

Verde Valley pill popping new battleground for MATForce
Verde Independent
COTTONWOOD — MATForce, Yavapai County's substance abuse coalition that brought down the hammer on methamphetamine abuse, is now turning a brighter spotlight on the prescription drug abuse problem. The Verde Valley Steering Committee spent a work
Editorial: Prescription drug abuse the new battleground in Verde ValleyCamp Verde Bugle

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Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Prescription Drug Abuse / PSA Video

Prescription Drug Abuse / PSA Video. From the public domain. Most people take medicines only for the reasons their doctors prescribe them. But an estimated 20 percent of people in the United States have used prescription drugs for nonmedical reasons. This is prescription drug abuse. It is a serious and growing problem. Abusing some prescription drugs can lead to addiction. You can develop an addiction to: Narcotic painkillers Sedatives and tranquilizers Stimulants Experts don’t know exactly why this type of drug abuse is increasing. The availability of drugs is probably one reason. Doctors are prescribing more drugs for more health problems than ever before. Online pharmacies make it easy to get prescription drugs without a prescription, even for youngsters. Some people experiment with prescription drugs because they think they will help them have more fun, lose weight, fit in, and even study more effectively. Prescription drugs can be easier to get than street drugs: Family members or friends could have a prescription. But prescription drugs are also sometimes sold on the street like other illegal drugs. A 2006 National Survey on Drug Use and Health showed that among all youths aged 12 to 17, 6% had tried prescription drugs for recreational use in the last month. Why? Some people think that prescription drugs are safer and less addictive than street drugs. After all, these are drugs that moms, dads, and even kid brothers and sisters use. To Angie, taking her brother’s

Prescription Drug Abuse: Summit deals with drugs, gangs
SAYREVILLE — Keeping up with the current trends in the community is a priority for Carole Mosley.

Prescription Drug Abuse: Rx drug abuse on rise
Five Bowling Green residents died last week in apparent prescription drug overdoses.
Read more on Bowling Green Daily News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Local Prescription Drug Take Back Day event set
HUNTINGTON — Cabell County residents who missed National Prescription Drug Take Back Day in April now have another opportunity to dispose of their unused or expired medications.
Read more on The Huntington Herald-Dispatch

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