Question About Men and Women Who Have Worked in the Porn Industry?

Question by Ya Coffee: Question about men and women who have worked in the porn industry?
A question was just deleted about this but I thought it was indeed important so I’m trying again and hoping not to offend anyone.

I want to know do you think these workers suffer from having done porn.

I found a website that says many die young from “drugs, suicide, murder, alcohol abuse, accidental death, and disease.” Although I would not pretend that the stats were accurate, I suspect it might be true in a general sense.

What do you think the life of a porn star might be after their porn career?

Will it be shorter?

How long does the average person last in this line of work?

Best answer:

Answer by mr dance moves
They have made thousands of dollars and quickly. They will have nothing and nobody to blame but themselves if they didn’t save their money.

People can thumb me down all they want. They chose their profession. I don’t see why anybody would feel sorry for a porn star for any reason whatsoever. It seems that people are stereotyping women they have never met or came into contact to.

Answer by Rowdy MacFarlane
Statistically, I would guess STDs, drugs, violence, etc. are all more common than the average person.

Indeed, aging porn-stars, unless they have stockpiled their earnings, probably are tempted to do increasingly risky things for the camera in order to get any roles at all. Things that can increase the risk of STDs and who knows what else.

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