Should I Run Away and Leave Everything Behind?

Question by : Should i run away and leave everything behind?
i recently posted a question and people didnt understand so here it is again.

my dad walked out on me as a child and my mum doesnt like me mixing with other races she always makes fun of me even right now before i came upstairs and at the shops she never lets me go outside even around the block and she always threatens me she wont let me pick what i want for my future education and always calls me a failure and makes fun of me i have a friend who ranaway walked 3hours town to town and he got fosterd and he said that his life is great! and it isnt the normal bad mum! shes nuts!! should i run away i need help dont want to go to a teacher im 13 btw

Best answer:

Answer by Douglas D
Running away will only put you in danger. If your goal is to get fostered out, there are better ways to go about that, then to run away. You said you don’t want to go to a teacher?
Why not? Are you afraid of getting real help?

Answer by I_luv_citylights
Your mom is probably stressed and venting out her frustration on you. Try to tell her what you feel about this. I don’t think running away would be a good idea. If your mom is not willing to listen to you, then talk with a teacher at school about your problem. Good luck.