St. Louis Company Develops Process to Thwart Meth Cookers –

Prescription Drug Abuse: St. Louis company develops process to thwart meth cookers –

St. Louis company develops process to thwart meth cookers
Highland also has at least one competitor, Acura Pharmaceuticals, based in Palatine, Ill., which has developed a similar technology — called Nexafed — as part of its line of drugs aimed at preventing prescription drug abuse. Acura has contracted with

Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Susie Vanderlip – Legacy of Hope® Demo

Susie Vanderlip is internationally renown for her LEGACY OF HOPE® theatrical one-woman presentation. She portrays 8 differenct characters from alcoholic, drug-addicted, neglectful and/or abusive families, then shares through powerful processing and personal stories how to make HEALTHY CHOICES and to deal with stress and chaos of adolescent emotions. Prevention education rooted in research and shared in a profoundly moving message. Unforgettable school assembly, youth or adult conference keynote, teacher and/or counselor staff development, and exceptional parent awareness program.

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