Washington State Toughens Up Prescription Rules – OregonLive.com

Prescription Drug Abuse: Washington State toughens up prescription rules – OregonLive.com


Washington State toughens up prescription rules
Prescription drug abuse, like chronic pain, is rapidly becoming a significant societal problem. Cleve Thompson, Clark County's director of substance-abuse programs, said 1 percent of those entering drug treatment last year reported prescription opiates

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Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Drug-free efforts – bcrnews.com

Drug-free efforts
“The great thing about participating (in P2D2) is that it not only helps bring awareness to the issue of prescription drug abuse, but also gives us a chance to work with the Drug Enforcement Agency,” Conerton said. In other programs, CPASA recently

Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Senator Hannon Introduces Legislation To Address The Prescription Drug Epidemic – NewsLI

Senator Hannon Introduces Legislation To Address The Prescription Drug Epidemic
During a recent Senate Roundtable on Prescription Drug Abuse, New York City reported that drug related emergency room visits increased 40% between 2004 and 2009 with those related to opioids doubling. “There was discussion on a number of solutions to

Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Oxycodone abuse linked with heart infections that kill four men in Tampa – Tampabay.com

Oxycodone abuse linked with heart infections that kill four men in Tampa
State reports estimate that prescription drug abuse kills an average of almost eight people a day in Florida. They do not quantify how many of these deaths are due to crushing and injecting drugs, though the practice has been reported for years among

Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Legislators discuss meth with Sullivan County Anti-Drug Coalition – TriCities.com

Legislators discuss meth with Sullivan County Anti-Drug Coalition
Shipley and Lundberg also discussed with the group other acts they're passionate about, such as open container laws in the state and prescription drug abuse. “We are one of six states that have not capped that 'Pass the Bottle Law,'” Lundberg said.

Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

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