Why Are Tobacco Commercials Banned but Alcohol Commercials Not?

Question by aG: Why are Tobacco commercials banned but Alcohol commercials not?
I was wondering why Tobacco companies have very little ways of advertising. I don’t personally smoke cigarettes or drink so I don’t lean towards a specific drug in this battle. However, I don’t understand why alcohol commercials shove advertisements down our throats at a constant rate. You guys have all seen the advertising and how present it is. I won’t argue which drug(alcohol or tobacco) is worse than you but alcohol has caused a significant amount of issues in today’s society and so has Tobacco.

-Why is alcohol usage welcomed in today’s society? (2000’s)
-Why were cigarettes/Tobacco welcomed back in the 40’s – 60’s but no so much anymore?

“The abuse of alcohol is one of the most pervasive social problems affecting our society. Alcohol advertising glamorizes and encourages that abuse”.

-Thanks guys
Okay, I understand your answers and agree but now I ask you since Tobacco is worse than Alcohol(because that is what you guys are inferring), then why is the age to use Tobacco: 18 and Alcohol: 21?

Best answer:

Answer by Joey
because alcohol; is not all bad as tabaco

Answer by lunelumiere
Tobacco kills you if you smoke it, every cigarette is bad. It kills more people than any other single cause, by a lot. A lot more than alcohol does.

In addition studies have shown that a glass of wine a day or beer is actually good for you. People who get hurt because of alcohol do it because they abuse it. Smoking hurts you no matter what.

See the difference.

Area substance abuse council receives .5 million grant for tobacco
The Brazos Valley Council on Alcohol and Substance Abuse recently received a five-year grant totaling more than $ 1.5 million from the Texas Department of State and Health Services to help prevent and reduce tobacco use in Brazos County, especially in …
Read more on Bryan-College Station Eagle

Tobacco Abuse Linked to Even More Diseases
reporter: since then smoking rates have dropped from 48% of adults in 1964 to 18% now. today's thousand page surgeon general report dramatically increases the list of diseases linked to tobacco use . 13 cancers including bladder, cervical, liver …
Read more on NBCNews.com