Why Do Cops Love Shooting Innocent People and Abusing the Handicapped?

Question by Frank N: Why do cops love shooting innocent people and abusing the handicapped?
It’s sad that just like prohibition, our current drug laws only empower criminals and lead to violent crime. Everyone knows cops need to be around to protect us against rapists, killers, robbers etc. But why do cops murder people over a plant that God gave us as a gift? Why do cops enjoy murdering people and going all commando like clowns? Read some of these stories and answer.

I’m not saying all plants are healthy, and if you were educated, which you obviously are not, you would know that alcohol and tobacco are infinitely more dangerous than marijuana. That’s a scientific fact.

Best answer:

Answer by ProUSA2
Which plant are you talking about?? The plants that “gave” us heroin and poisonous mushrooms?

Do you realize there are THOUSANDS of “plants” in this world that are hazardous to your health?

Please don’t tell me you are insinuating that since something is a plant, it’s gotta be good for you!!!!


If YOU were educated, you would be able to read and understand what I posted. I said nothing about marijuana, alcohol, or tobacco. YOU are the one that mentioned specific plants. I simply made a FACTUAL statement, which you obviously didn’t like because it ruined your entire “God gave us plants therefore they are a gift from God” claim!! But, since you mention it…using your line of logic…tobacco is a plant…it’s gotta be a “gift from God”, huh? Why are you talking about how bad it is for you?

My statement is FACT. If you don’t like it, too bad!!!! Deal with it!!!!


Alcohol…taken in moderation (1 drink per day)…is actually beneficial to your health. Your “scientific fact” is WRONG!!!

Answer by The Blackhearts
Because they can get away with it with those people. Usually they act a little different around someone that can get in even one lucky punch because they don’t want to have to explain to their buddies they got hit by a perp even if they do beat them have to death afterwards.