Why Is Pot Illegal and Tobacco and Liquor Legal?
Question by russellmania8523: Why is pot illegal and tobacco and liquor legal?
Pot in the U.S. has a 0% death rate. People can also abuse tabacco and liqour just like they can with pot. The secound hand smoke is also way more hazardest then the secound hand smoke from weed. If a child grows up in a house where everyone smokes around them, then their more likely to develop lung cancer or other server heath problems. Most people that smoke pot don’t smoke it infront of their kids, so they wouldn’t breath it in. Pot does not make you violent like how liquor does to a few people. The only reason I could see is driving high, but yet many people drive under the infuence of alchol, so whats the difference. Why not go after people that are using real drugs.
Best answer:
Answer by dubya
P O L I T I C S !
Answer by bofh772
Because not everyone can grow tobacco or produce liquor. This small supply base makes it easy to control and tax. While with pot anyone can toss some seeds in a planter and grow all they would need. Which makes it virtually impossible to tax. Not to mention the drug cartels don’t really want it legalized and then taxed since they would have to give a cut of their profit away.
DRUG AND ALCHOL ABUSE – every parents second worst nightmare.