Posts Tagged ‘gambling addiction’

“Gambling Addiction” – a Bunch of Bunk?

Question by yellowhummin217: “Gambling addiction” – A bunch of bunk?
To me, an “addiction” to gambling seems like a lame excuse for blowing one’s money away. I can see somebody being addicted to alcohol or smoking because it has physical effects on the body, but gambling…?

Best answer:

Answer by Kathryn R
Gambling has the same physical effects on the body almost that drinking or smoking has. I’m not talking about the effects on the liver or other secondary organs I’m talking about the most important organ in your body. Your brain, gambling works on the same chemicals that make you feel good that drinking and smoking or that drugs do. You’re not understanding the stimulus that one can get from things out side of ones’ self. When you look at a great piece of Art or a beautiful sun set and you feel good, that feeling starts from the outside and causes an increase in serotonin which is the feel good chemical in your brain. Gambling does the same thing. You don’t have to take something inside of your body for it to affect you.

Is the “Silent Treatment” a Form of Passive Aggressive Emotional Abuse?

Question by Jason: Is the “silent treatment” a form of passive aggressive emotional abuse?
I apologize for the length. Is the “silent treatment” a form of passive aggressive emotional abuse? I have someone in my life (or used to be at least that completely gives me the silent treatment. It’s my ex girlfriend. We work at the same place so we see each other daily. We broke up almost 10 months ago, but we stayed “friends” for about three months. We would even go out on dates together and she even started to want to have sex with me again (which was probably unwise), but I thought that maybe we were going to get back together. But she made it very clear that she did not want to get back together, that we had a “no strings attached relationship,” and that she didn’t mind if I dated other girls. Meanwhile, I began talking to this other girl from work, and we began to date (After all, my ex said that she didn’t mind.) Well, I guess when it was all said and don, my ex did mind because she got very angry and jealous. She began to say nasty things about me and the new girl I was seeing. She told me that seeing another person from work was the lowest of the lows, but she herself dated a guy from work before she dated me so I thought that was a bit hypocritical on her part. So I got mad at her for being mad at me. After all, she was the one that ended the relationship in the first place. All I did was move on. So I started saying mean things about her which I know was wrong. Anyway, she has been giving me the silent treatment for about seven months now, and it hurts. I’ve even tried apologizing to her for my part via e-mail (I didn’t want to confront her at work). She took my e-mail, which was very innocent and told my boss that I was “harassing her.” She just does very passive aggressive things to hurt me. I guess I could understand her hatred for me if I had cheated on her, was physically abusive, if I had left her financially ruined, or if I had a substance abuse or gambling addiction. But none of that occurred. As a matter of fact, I was always there for her whenever she needed a friend, a helping hand, or a shoulder to cry on. How can she live with herself? It just hurts because I truly loved this girl and I think that I deserve better.. Yeah, I leave her alone, but it still hurts.

“Corn Dog Addiction”?

Question by Bob the Carney Technician: “Corn dog addiction”?
I am a “Carney technician” for a traveling circus and I have been eating corn dogs for years and have become addicted to them. On some days I can consume as many as 21 corn dogs during my shift. Even more if I have an eating contest with the circus fat lady. When I try to stop I get all shakey, get the sweets, up set stomach and feel dizzy. Once I eat a few then I start to feel better and the symtoms go away. Is there some type of therapy that I can get help from like A.A.? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Bob.

Best answer:

Answer by Hangman W
fat camp

Answer by lil pit cat 71
i love em too,sorry try wieght watchers

Why Is Your Teen Crazy?

Why is your teen crazy?
This sheds a new perspective on our favorite trainwreck, Lindsay Lohan, whose long list of DUIs, car crashes, shoplifting, tantrums, drug use and other misadventures mostly occurred before her 25th birthday. How much of her unyielding impudence had to …
Read more on New York Post

Popping pills for stress ills: a deadly match made in college campus heaven
While Guilford College students are well-known for marijuana use, prescription drug abuse is an equally major problem. The prescription drugs typically … With all of these facts in mind, how do we deal with this problem? First, we need to start …
Read more on Guilfordian


Gambling Addiction Help, Treatment – Pathological gamblers are addicted to action, not money. Many pathological gamblers will gamble to lose in the desperation phas…


Drug De-Addiction Center Opened in Kashmir

Drug Addiction: Drug de-addiction center opened in Kashmir
In a bid to discourage the youth from consuming drugs and educate them about its ill- effects, the state police recently opened a drug de-addiction center here.
Drug Addiction – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Addiction: Addicts link anti-depression drug to gambling habit
Problem gamblers – including one who stole $ 800,000 to feed her pokies habit – say an anti-depressant drug may have a connection to their habit.Efexor is a drug used to prevent and treat a relapse of depression.As yet, there is no clinical proof linking gambling addiction to Efexor.However, two weeks ago, Leanne Scott revealed to the ABC's 7.30 program that she was using the drug not long before …
Drug Addiction – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Addiction: NY law aimed at painkiller addiction called model
A new state law designed to curb the prescription drug addiction that kills one American every 19 minutes is a model for the country, New York officials said Monday.
Drug Addiction – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Addiction: How cocaine vaccines could cure drug addiction
Could one shot cure a hard drug addiction? Researchers have developed not one, but two cocaine vaccines that show promise in blocking the highly addictive drug before it reaches the brain
Drug Addiction – Yahoo! News Search Results

Does the Phrase ‘Gambling Addiction’ Bear Any Relationship to the Word ‘addiction’?

Question by Jack P: Does the phrase ‘gambling addiction’ bear any relationship to the word ‘addiction’?
Traditionally the difference between an addiction, as opposed to mere self-destructive behavior and habits involved physical dependency reflected in physical withdrawal symptoms:


“Main Entry: ad·dic·tion
“Pronunciation: \?-‘dik-sh?n, a-\
“Function: noun
“Date: 1599
“1 : the quality or state of being addicted
“2 : compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; broadly : persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful”

“An addiction is a persistent behavioral pattern marked by physical and/or psychological dependency[1] and tolerance[2] that causes significant disruption and negatively impacts the quality of life of an organism.[citation needed]