Posts Tagged ‘health treatment’

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment Technology Innovations Conference at the White House


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment Technology Innovations Conference at the White House – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment Technology Innovations Conference at the White House. On September 16, 2013, the top three challenge finalists of…


How Do I Make My Hair Grow Faster?

Question by My Baby Has A Hitler Mustache: How do i make my hair grow faster?
I got a haircut, and boy, do i look horrible with it.
Long story short, i want to grow my hair 3 or 4 inches in a few months. I’m a patient person, but when it comes to hair growth, i go completely OCD.
Any tips that can raise My hair’s growth rate as much as possible?


Best answer:

Answer by WC
Hair grow at it’s own rate, and there is nothing you can do to speed up hair growth.

Answer by Sur La Mer
If you’re healthy, & very active, your nails are growing, your hair should be growing RIGHT NOW. If you want perfection, you NEED patience.

How Is the Government Telling You What Healthcare to Buy and What Doctor to Go See Not a Government Takeover?

Question by : How is the government telling you what healthcare to buy and what doctor to go see not a government takeover?
Why the hell should I have to pay for the stupid bastard who smokes 6 packs a day because he knows I’ll have to pay for his insurance anyways?! I’ll give you 14 reasons to back up my claims.

1. You are young and don’t want health insurance? You are starting up a small business and need to minimize expenses, and one way to do that is to forego health insurance? Tough. You have to pay $ 750 annually for the “privilege.” (Section 1501)

2. You are young and healthy and want to pay for insurance that reflects that status? Tough. You’ll have to pay for premiums that cover not only you, but also the guy who smokes three packs a day, drink a gallon of whiskey and eats chicken fat off the floor. That’s because insurance companies will no longer be able to underwrite on the basis of a person’s health status. (Section 2701).

Veterans Treatment Courts Offer Alternative to Prison

Veterans Treatment Courts Offer Alternative to Prison
For military veterans who find themselves afoul of the law due to substance abuse or mental health issues, a system called veterans treatment courts is giving them an alternative to prison time. The courts are modeled on the drug treatment or mental health treatment courts…         Drug Abuse Statistics – Yahoo News Search Results



Sociology Project: Drug Related Crime and Treatment – Class assignment in Sociology 399: Social Justice, Spring 2011 Oregon State University. Song by Johnny Cash; titled “Cocaine blues”; images from google image…


Depression and Loneliness Common During the Holiday Season for Adult

Depression and Loneliness Common During the Holiday Season for Adult
The negative effects of childhood abuse include depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, and anxiety. Abuse survivors are also at higher risk for physical health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease. These effects do no …
Read more on PR Web (press release)

Clarence Page: A sentence that fits the disease
With prison costs skyrocketing, even after overall crime rates declined in the mid-1990s, even states with reputations for tough justice are turning to alternatives to prison for nonviolent offenders. Drug addiction should be handled as a disease, not …
Read more on Fresno Bee

My Turn: In health treatment, as in insurance plans, there's no one-size-fits-all
Here is an example of the challenges we face: Most studies indicate that 75 percent of individuals who have a substance abuse disorder have a co-occurring major mental illness. No real surprise then that evidence-based practice urges that treatment for …
Read more on Concord Monitor

I Need to Know Where to Find Out Which Basic Core Classes I Need for a Psychology Degree. Im Going to Be A?

Question by Bridget C: I need to know where to find out which basic core classes I need for a psychology degree. Im going to be a?
psychologist for adolescents with parents who have drug problems. Ive been going to a community college getting my basic classes like english, government, chemistry, math etc. But I need to fing out what else i NEED before i enroll in a major university. I use to know but I dont remember and I dont trust my advisor. Please help.

Best answer: